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Tallboy Studios was founded in the spring of 2002 with only one microphone, an outdated laptop, and $10 worth of recording software. Since then it has expanded dramatically, incorporating a dozen microphones of several types, a fully sound insulated room, three additional guitars, a drum kit, and world-class preamps. From the first demo on a single track tape mixer, to the 96 kHz digital computer system currently utilized, Tallboy Studios has always worked to the best of its abilities, never settling for anything less than perfection. Originally renting studio time only for hard manual labor, Tallboy eventually realized that it would make for better customer relations if it sold its services for cash.
The dividing factor between Tallboy Studios and any other local studio is definitely the team’s willingness to try anything and everything to get a great sound. Our techniques are constantly improving, most of the time through some of the most ridiculous and unorthodox methods you will ever see. No one ever taught the staff here at Tallboy Studios how to record, mix, or master anything, and maybe that’s why we’re so knowledgeable about our trade; because we had to figure it out from scratch, and on our own.

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