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So... you might be thinking "You have an awesome website, a great name, and do an awesome job at marketing. But what the heck do you actually do?" Well, it's pretty simple, actually. We are a local recording studio with a LOT of musical knowledge, staffed with real people who actually care about how your music sounds, and aren't looking to rip you off like most studios. This studio was created with fun, fairness, and quality in mind. There are a number of options that we offer:
1) We can provide you with the whole package; we will record, mix, and master your demo with you.
2) You can record here, and take your tracks somewhere else to be mixed and mastered. (But really, why would you want to?)
3) You can record somewhere else, and bring your tracks here to be mixed and mastered. (But once again, why?)

One thing to keep in mind when you come here is the fact that your happiness is key to our happiness. So if you're not happy about something, let us know, and we will fix it for you.

Our Rates, and what they mean...


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