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Here's pictures of some of our bands having fun in the studio


A tangled mess as Tallboy collaborates with Mike Davis

Mike Davis takes a walk down Tallboy Street

Zac helps Heidi prepare the drum kit for recording

Heidi drummer

An inside look

Heidi's Steve Patrick on drums

Steve laying down some killer beats

Some of the other members of Heidi wait patiently for their turn

Zac is taking control

Mike Davis in the Fairfield Rcade Recording Studio B

Mike laying down some guitar tracks

Brian in the Fairfield Rcade Studio B recording Mike Davis

Heidi vocalist Rob Fix as he finishes off his last song

Frank the Tank is a good sport as he sits through an 11 hour recording session that ran until 5 AM

Zac is claiming Brian's bed as the morning hours approach

Zac looking at the clock, wondering when we will ever finish recording tonight

Mike Davis takes control of Tallboy at 5 AM since everyone else fell asleep


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